Friday, June 27, 2008

The Banking Experience

Here's another episode of my encounter with the local bank here....again the same old usual complaint about the level of customer service.

I had gone to the bank (a local national bank....listed on the Australian stock exchange) to apply for bank guarantee 2 weeks ago. After explaining to the personal banker about my background and my need, I had the confidence from the personal banker that there should not be any issue with my application for the bank guarantee. It would also cost approximately $300+ half yearly. The assurance and the lower cost for issuance of bank guarantee were the main reasons why I had decided to use this bank instead of using other banks. However, the bank needed 2 weeks to process the application and should be able to get the bank guarantee out by Friday. So, I had to inform my vendor accordingly about the delay.

On Monday of 2nd week, I called the same personal banker to enquire about my bank guarantee and was unable to reach the banker. I called again on Tuesday and managed to speak to the person....only to be told that she will check on the status and revert. Wednesday passed and still no news from the same personal banker. On Thursday, I called the personal banker again and she said she will revert in the afternoon. Again,....silence...and no news from her. I had to call in the evening after 5pm and was told by the operator that "I'm sorry,...there's nothing I can do" (this is a very typical response U get in Australia......which I need some getting used to).

The silence was broken only at 8.30pm from the personal banker who called and broke the bad news! My credit rating was very poor due to lack of credit history with the bank and I had to pay $600+ for half-yearly to secure the bank guarantee. The personal banker then claimed that she would not be in office on Friday and will get her bank manager to help me out with my case.

(This is really a chicken and egg can I accumulate credit history and credibility if we have just arrived in this alien country? This is despite the pledge of full sum as fixed term deposit with the bank as security for the bank guarantee.)

Of course, I called the bank manager the very next morning when the branch opens to lodge my case. After a few calls, the bank manager finally called back and I had to explain my story to her. Several hours later, the bank manager called back and told me a totally different story. She said my application was rejected......not that I had to pay more! Imagine the shock that I had. She was also very unapologetic and said matter-of-fact that I would never be able to get a bank guarantee approved with the bank. She was even more unsympathetic and her only offer was to waive the bank charges for bank cheque which costs $8.

(Talk about customer service ......the same attitude also comes from the top too....its is no wonder the subordinates emulate same characteristics! Level of inconsistency between what the manager and the subordinate also appalling and shocking! Now I understand why they say bankers lie!)

Upon demand from me, she reluctantly agreed to give me the phone number of their customer service to lodge my complaints. I had also insisted that I wanted for the telephone number of her regional manager. Naturally, she was unwilling to do so....only acceded to my request to have the regional manager call me instead within the same day to help me with my bank guarantee. At 4.15pm (just before end of business day), I received a call from her that her regional manager will not be able to call me back until next week Tuesday!! A fustrated customer

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